LabFlex Canal Tip from $115

LabFlex Earmold Canal Tip is the smallest Earmold we produce, as the name suggests it covers and seals the canal (the opening of the ear) giving you a very discrete private Earmold. This option is great for sleeping or work propose as it is not obtrusive and bulky and can be worn for long periods of time giving you greater comfort while sleeping.

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LabFlex Earmold Canal Tip


Lab Flex Canal Tip Clear 2 LabFlex canal tip 1  LabFlex canal tip 3


LabFlex Earmold Canal Tip is the smallest Earmold we produce, as the name suggests it covers and seals the canal (the opening of the ear) giving you a very discrete private Earmold. This option is great for sleeping or work propose as it is not obtrusive and bulky and can be worn for long periods of time giving you greater comfort while sleeping.

Great if you work in a noisy environment where you need to hear customers over the clatter of a restaurant, bar, night club, band or you just need a little bit of quite time.

Mainly made from our 40 shore Biopor silicone.

A small removal tab is used to make it easier to remover the Earmold from your ear.

Impressions of your ears are required by us to work from, this can be done through Earmold Australia, an authorised Provider or a trained Audiologist.

* Please note extra charges may be charged by some authorised Provider and Audiologists, please check on cost before purchasing.

Once we have your impressions and you have decided on what best suits your needs we will personally make your plugs to guarantee a perfect fit both comfort and performance. Please allow 10 to 15 business days once we receive your impression to complete your order.

No waiting weeks as we have our own in house lab and make this range ourselves.

LabFlex 40 Shore colour chart

Click here for your LabFlex Custom order form

For more details or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly.